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Meet our Clergy & Staff

Rabbi David Laor

I am originally from Mexico and currently offer my services as a rabbi at Congregation Agudath Achim, in Shreveport, Louisiana, USA

Until 1989, I had the pleasure of serving as President of the Jewish Community Beth Shmuel in the city of Veracruz, Mexico. I was guided and inspired by the personal mentorship of my dear teacher, Rabbi Samuel S. Lerer Za"l, from Beth Israel Community Center in Mexico City. I also had the invaluable support of my late mother, Miriam Farji Za"l.

Beth Shmuel, founded by Jewish and jews-by-choice families, has been a gateway for dozens of converts to Judaism. Many of them now reside in Israel, enjoying kosher and orthodox Jewish lives. The younger generations continue to keep the community active in Veracruz city. The remarkable phenomenon Beth Shmuel has been captured in the film “8 Candelas” by Sandro Halphen.

In 1990, I immigrated to Israel, where I had the opportunity to participate in studies at the Yeshivá Alón Shvut in the Gush Etzion area.

Until 2007, I actively participated in the Jewish Community Neve Shalom in Cancun, Mexico, serving as Shaliach Tzibur (prayer leader) and offering Hebrew language and Judaism classes to both community members and non-Jewish study groups.

On the 27th of Mar Cheshvan, 5778 (November 16, 2017), I received my rabbinic ordination from the HUC (Hebrew Union College) in Jerusalem, becoming the first liberal rabbi of Mexican origin.

I joined B’nei Israel Community in Costa Rica as a rabbi in August 2019 until April 2024.

In 2023, I was honored to participate in a group of 20 rabbis and colleagues who studied the Hebrew Manuscripts of the Vatican Apostolic Library.

My passion for Judaism has always led me to teach anyone who wishes to learn about my faith and the beautiful legacy that over 3,000 years of Jewish culture and religion have bestowed upon humanity.

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Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785